Evo Energy Power Surge: Update for Farrer Residents

13 April 2023
On January 20th, 2023, a large-scale electrical surge occurred which affected residents in approximately three streets in Farrer. This includes 84 households and 19 Goodwin apartments, who have experienced extensive damage to their homes. The streets include Gatton Street, Marshall Street and Spafford Street, along with Building G at Goodwin Village.
Since the surge, residents have reported to me a serious lack of communication from Evoenergy despite the substantial damage caused to resident’s homes.
Upon finding out about the serious level of damage, I have been working closely with residents to ensure their voices are heard.
On April 11th, 2023, I visited residents and saw the level of damage to people’s homes and heard their stories – all of which were simply heartbreaking. The level of stress both emotionally and financially on residents
On April 12th, 2023, I held an online meeting with residents to understand more and discuss next steps for the residents.
Please see below my correspondence to the CEO of Evoenergy dated April 13, 2023.