Wombat Mange

11 May 2021


Sarcoptic mange is a highy infectious disease that impacts wombats. Female mites burrow their way through the skin and leave a trail of eggs behind to which the host has an allergic reaction. This causes the wombat to scratch and open wounds that become infected.

Treating mange in our wombats is a tough battle but as a community, we can all work together to combat it, and support the efforts of volunteers who are working hard to ensure a healthy wombat population in the ACT.

Further information about managing the ACTs wombat population:

  • Wombat Rescue available here
  • ACT Wildlife Wombat Mange Program available here
  • ACT Government community web portal for reporting wombat sightings available here


For injured wombats requiring urgent care and attention such as injured on a road, please call Access Canberra 13 22 81


"Mange is perhaps the single largest issue facing the wombat
population in the ACT...
Once a wombat has mange, it is dying."

Dr Marisa Paterson MLA