First Nations Voice to Parliament & Uluru Statement

23 November 2022
Today, the ACT Assembly passed my motion calling on members to acknowledge the notion of Voice, Treaty, and Truth laid out in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and to support the referendum campaign for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. The motion also called on the Government to explore the potential to work with and support local Indigenous groups.
I was very pleased that the motion received the full support of ACT Labor and the ACT Greens. The Canberra Liberals did not support the motion, which was very disappointing. Oh well, their loss - I cant wait to work with our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to campaign for a 'yes' vote for The Voice.
States have a role in referendums – to pass, a referendum needs a majority national yes vote, alongside a majority yes vote in a majority of states. By virtue of being a territory, the ACT is not included in the second requirement. We should contribute as strongly as we can to the national vote to have our say.
I believe as a leader in our community, it’s important to support positive change and look into the opportunities to platform authentic voices such those of our Indigenous community to be heard on issues that impact them.
We are stronger as a nation when we walk together, united.
I am proud that today the ACT Government put its full support behind the Voice referendum and committed to campaigning alongside the Federal Government for change.
Canberra Weekly