Bets Off. Game On.

Update 20/07/23: After the resounding success of the 'Bets Off. Game On.' campaign I have continued to advocate for gaming reform at the local and federal level. Now is a fantastic time to push Government to ban online gambling and betting advertising, with the final report of the federal government's 'Inquiry into online gambling and its impacts on those experiencing gambling harm' being released in June 2023.
The Committee Inquiry’s findings present a damning account of the gambling industry’s pervasive use of television and social media advertising.
I’ve spent the majority of my adult working life – as a researcher and Director of the Australian National University Centre for Gambling Research and now as the Labor Member for Murrumbidgee, to reducing the harm to communities caused by gambling. I also provided a submission to the Inquiry, representing my community.
I strongly urge the federal Albanese Government to adopt recommendation 26 outlined in the Inquiry’s final report which reads: “The Committee recommend the Australian Government, with the cooperation of the states and territories, implement a comprehensive ban on all forms of advertising for online gambling.”
Gambling destroys lives, relationships and families. We have an obligation to our constituents to adopt a public health approach to act against the gambling advertising that is so pervasive in all forms of media in our communities. We have reached a critical junction now with the release of the Inquiry’s report.
I urge everyone, whether they are a member of the Australian Labor Party or not, if you care about reducing the immense harm cause by betting and gambling advertisement, to write to your local MP and Senators. I have already written to each federal Cabinet Minister and our local Labor parliamentarians and urge you to do the same.
You can find who your local member is by entering your postcode into the Australian Electoral Commission’s website here: Find my electorate (
Let’s not lose momentum and use this critical opportunity to really reduce gambling harm in our community!
Update 11/11/22: The Bets Off. Game On. petition is now closed. I would like to thank the community for the incredible support that has been shown. The petition attracted 1015 signatures. The submission I have submitted, including the petition, to the inquiry into online gambling has been published is available on this page.
Australia is a proud sporting nation; it is time to reclaim our sport from the hands of gambling corporations.
Sports are at the heart of our nation and are a core part of the Australian identity. Every weekend, all over Australia you will find communities gathering to play, support and celebrate sport.
However, there is a dark side to our sport, as we settle into the footy finals’ advertisements bombard us in attempts to persuade us that we may enjoy the game more if we have money on it.
Billions of dollars each year leaves our community and goes overseas to these online gambling companies that have no care and make no contribution to our community and cause significant harm to people throughout Australia.
We must reclaim our game, sign the petition to end gambling ads on TV today.
The online sports betting companies target young people in their advertising – the advertising works. The harm from gambling is also exasperated for marginalised, vulnerable communities.
For example, in the ACT online sports gambling is the most harmful form of regulated gambling - 35% of people who bet on sports or special events experience harm from gambling (that is compared to 26% of poker machine players who experience harm). And that harm disproportionately affects men under the age of 45.
The voice of the community is clear, we want our sport back; advertising for gambling on TV must stop.
In 2021, 148 gambling ads were broadcast on free-to-air during primetime family viewing hours of 6 - 8.30pm every weeknight.
Our children are being targeted by gambling adverts. A recent NSW government study found close to 30 per cent of 12-17 year old’s said they had gambled in some form in the past year.
The Centre for Gambling Research (CGR) has identified more than 1.4 million Australians experiencing gambling harm.
This petition is a first step and critical step into reducing the effects of gambling on the community. People need to be put first.
The Australian Government needs to much more to protect our community from gambling harm. This means banning gambling ads on TV.
Sign the petition today and to call on the Australian Government to ban gambling ads on TV.
If you are concerned about your gambling or someone else’s, you can seek support via the Gambling helpline – free 24/7 chat, email and phone counselling and support services if gambling is affecting you or someone you care about. 1800 858 858 or
For Crisis Support contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or via text on 0477 13 11 14 (available 24/7).
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If your organisation would like to support the petition, please reach out to [email protected]!
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