Public Place Names Amendment Bill 2021
30 November 2021
On 30 November 2021 I introduced legislation to amend the ACTs Public Place Names Act 1989 to remove ‘colonisation’ and replace it with ‘reconciliation’.
Under the current Act, the Minister may determine the name of a public place including an avenue, road, street, geographical feature or place that the public is entitled to use, and any unleased land.
In making such determination the Minister must have regard to certain matters, among which include “the names of persons famous in Australian exploration, navigation, pioneering, colonisation, administration, politics, education, science or letters”.
The term ‘colonisation’ is offensive to many people in our community and carries negative connotations. It’s time we place greater attention on those who have made, and those who continue to make, positive contributions towards reconciliation in the ACT
The proposed change will reflect a broader range of fields of relevance in contemporary society and to our diverse community.
This is a very simple, but important and meaningful change, and one I am proud to bring to the Assembly.
The ACTs Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body (ATSIEB) has provided their support for the change.
Media Articles
Canberra Weekly
Public places to recognise reconciliation - 30/11/21